This week I came across the blog, Walk Slowly, Live Wildly which I absolutely love. It follows a family of three who are vegan, raw food, crunchy environmentalist Christians who sold or gave away most of their possesions to travel the US in an RV run by veggie oil. Sara, the mom, is an absolute inspiration. Check it out ASAP.
Finding a new blog always gives me goosebumps and that "ahhhh" feeling. I get so excited-0so many new-to-me posts to read and so much great information to soak up.
It got me thinking about some of my other favorite things: All are simple and they all make me happy. Here are a list of some of them in no particular order:
- Reading
- Being in nature
- Sushi w/ lots of wasabi
- Saturday mornings
- Baking
- Talking with someone funny
- Getting a compliment
- Playing with art stuff
- Watching my animals
- Campfires
- Writing
- Strawberries, fresh off the vine
- Seeing my garden grow
- Fresh eggs
- Putting clothes out on the line
- Walking
- Traveling to someplace new
- Traveling back to some place I've been and haven't seen for awhile
- Laughing so hard I cry
- The smell of lilacs
- A clean desk
- Flannel PJ's
- A good book/magazine/blog
- Swimming
- Annual family camp out
What are some of your favorite things? Stopping to think about them really makes me feel grateful for all I have, even on those days when the world is feeling dark and gloomy.
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