Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Busy, busy, busy
Have you heard one of more of these statements lately from a friend, co-worker, or even the person in front of you in line at the grocery store? Or is it you who has uttered one of these phrases?
It seems we Americans like to drive ourselves to our limit. AND tell everyone within earshot how absolutely, completely, totally productive we are at all times. After all, isn't that what life is all about? Doing as much as you can, as fast as you can until you completely burn out? Only lazy people take time to leisurely read a book. Sit in a hammock and enjoy a glass of lemonade. Listen to the spring peepers. Play catch with their child in the backyard. The rest of us have WORK to do, thank you very much.
Still, how productive can we really be? No one is "on" 24/7. And thank goodness as it's really not a healthy way to live.
Sometimes trying to cram everything in really makes us less productive. Tell me if this sounds at all familiar:
Sit down to pay bills. Calculator--where is it? Locate calculator. Pen is out of ink. Find new pen. Where are the stamps? Uh-oh, the little pea pod is waking up. Need bottle. No clean bottles? Argh! Wash a bottle and fill it up. Heat it. Too hot. The pea pod is turning red and waving angry fists! Bottle ready, feed the little guy. Ooops, spit up on my shirt. The dog needs to go out but can't put the baby down. Put wet burp cloth on pile of bills. Argh. Oh no, dog peed on the carpet. Phone ringing. Can't answer. Might be work-related and the little pea pod is screeching because he does NOT think he has any burps to share. Message on the answering machine--was work. Make note to call back later. Cats chasing each other and knock over the vase of flowers on the table. What were they doing on the table?! Baby is wet. Change baby's diaper. Little pea pod smiles. Cute! Where's the camera? Phone rings again. Husband with question. Laundry is done washing. Quick get it into the dryer or on the line before forget it in the washer again and it spends a day and a half stuck there! Uh-oh, what's that smell? Crap, forgot that I was heating lunch up on the stove. Scalded pan. Baby has lost his pacifier. Find pacifier and realize how many cobwebs are living under the radiator. Good grief~I'm exhausted. Now where did I put that calculator?
The situation might be different for you, but we've all had those days/weeks/months. That feeling like you just can't catch your breath. The sense of wanting "just had five more minutes" to focus unhurried on something.
While we live in a crazy, busy world, it doesn't become any less so by trying to cram 14 things into a half hour time slot. In fact, research shows that "multi-tasking" is actually less efficient than doing things more slowly but taking your time with each one.
Yes, you have a lot to do. Yes, everything feels like it needs to be done now. But it really, truly doesn't. (I tell myself this about five times an hour.) Advice columns in magazines will tell you silly things like, "ask for help--you're spouse/mother/brother/roommate will be happy to help you if only they know what you need." Well, depending on your situation you could ask until you're blue in the face! While there is certainly nothing wrong with asking for help, there's a simpler solution.
Ready? Here it is:
Or at the very least, do it less perfectly. (Perfectionists out there, brace yourselves.) Yes, the bathroom has to be cleaned. But do you need to scrub the floor on your hands and knees? Clean the linen closet every week? Dust behind the toilet? Let something go and see if you don't feel a little, tiny bit more relaxed. And really, isn't it the perfect time of year to relax and let go a little bit?
Exciting News!
Be sure to check the network out for other great blogs to follow.
(I'm biased but be sure to check out "The Writer's Dog" under the Inspirational Connections--Peggy is a good friend of mine.)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Alternative Gift Giving

Ahhh, spring. Time for enjoying all the beautiful green-ness around us, smelling the roses, and shopping for the 18 celebrations coming up.
Weddings. Baby and bridal showers. Graduations. Is there no end to the parties and festivities this time of year? And in times when more and more of us are watching every penny, all these celebrations and life-changing events can cause a pretty heavy toll on the ol' wallet.
So what's a kind hearted, generous person supposed to do?
First, don't panic. There are LOADS of great gifts available for every occasion, sometimes in the least likely of places. Check yard sales, Goodwill, craig's list, freecycle, the Salvation Army, and your own gift closet (more about this one later) for some great presents. You'd be surprised how many new and still in the package items you'll find in these places.
Are you crafty? Like to bake? Enjoy cleaning (just checking to make sure you're still awake!). Why not offer up your services as your gift? I can tell you honestly that having babysitting help, home cooked meals, and a clean house when I got home from the hospital after having my son last month were the best gifts I received.
If you are the person being honored with a celebration, why not give it a green spin? Check out the Alternative Gift Registry--it's a very cool, very green alternative to a traditional gift registry.
Most of all, be creative. I bet you can think of a gazillion things to make, bake, or buy (frugally) that will make the gift recipient very happy.